
again and again

20. I know my shit stinks...that doesn't mean that I want to smell it....

17. So i'm going into the local Walmart to cash in my 25 dollar gift card that my company gave me for christmas, (which is, of course, so much better than a bonus or beer) and there's this pair of guys outside with a bell and a bucket trying to get donations to their charity. Some bullshit organization that gives a whopping 3% of their donations and send it out to help the starving children of Ethiopia buy fly-paper.
The problem is these bitches started screaming at people who didn't give a donation. They kept telling people that they were sinners, and that they should repent. I think one even said he was a messenger from god or some such rot. The Salesmen of God? If this is a sample of what i'm going to find in heaven i think it may be a little too loud for me.
I can picture it now, filled with a billion souls, all of which are trying to get donations from the others...

18. "Thy will be done"...probably the biggest cop-out in the history of language. I sincerely doubt God's will is in anyway responsible for what we have done.

19. I do not love you. I am not sympathetic to your plight. Your life does not interest me. I do not care how your children are doing, or if you have enough money to feed yourself tomorrow. If I pass you on the street I will not smile or wave. I do not hate you, or fear you. I do not care if you are a Republican, or Democrat, Christian, or Jew. I am not your fucking brother. I do not know you, therefore I have no emotion at all I am willing to give to you. I do think I would like to help you. Not by telling you what to think, but by telling you what I think. Maybe I can inspire you to do some thinking on your own.

I would enjoy it immensely if everybody disagreed with me. Because then they'd have to take the time to think about why they disagree.

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