
More pre-written shit I didn't want to lose

So for the past few weeks i've been under contract to read the water meters at tybee island, and in the process of completing that fucking nightmare i have composed a laundry list of shit that is driving me crazy. I know i need to get back to my writing, but for right now Sinography will still be placed on hold. Right now, however, i just feel like unloading some of my complaints so that i won't be annoyed alone.

So I'm riding around listening to rock 106.1, and ever since it started getting close to the 4th of July they've been playing these fucking commercials with a constant sound clip of fireworks going of in the background. Three or four commercials mind you, all with the same fucking sound clip running in the background. So one of the sadistic fucking ads comes on, and I turn off my radio. (because I am a very closed minded music lover, and there's no other station that plays shit i like to hear) Now when i turn the radio back on there's a different commercial with the same fucking sound bite, I try to grin and bear it, but i eventually have to turn it back off the split second before i crack and start mowing down pedestrians with my truck. A couple of minutes later I turn it on again only to find this new commercial that's advertising some kind of program to help you straighten out your credit debt..score. Now the commercial starts of by asking you if you have serious credit debt, and then goes on to say that it isn't your fault, the credit card companies are making it happen. So now i'm really pissed. How in the fucking hell can we allow this "its not your fault" mentality continue. Look if you make 25k a year and you buy a 30k car, and two 50 inch plasma televisions on your credit card...IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT THAT YOU HAVE CREDIT DEBT. It's been going on for years, and i for one am fucking sick of hearing about this pussy shit. It's like those fat assholes a few years ago who sued mcdonalds because they got fat. How in the fuck can you blame Mcdonalds for making you fat, how in the fuck did the win that. "Well i didn't know it had that much fat in it"...Lookey here asshole, if you didn't know that fat, fried in fat, and wrapped in fat is going to make you fat you're a fucking idiot. Not only are you an idiot, but you're wasting my fucking air...go shove a fucking pencil in your eye and save a little of my sanity. Better yet put the fucking hamburger down, get off of the couch, and go jog somewhere, ride a bike, do a fucking situp or something. It's all your fault. You know what I'm going to walk into a burger king and start shooting people, just fucking mowing down everybody there, it isn't my fault 2pac made me do it....fucking liberal hand-holding, pussies. Ok i have gotten a little off track, and all puncuation has gone to shit here, but goddamn how fucking stupid can our country get. I'm going to Bornio...

So I park somewhere and bash my head into the radio until it breaks, and decide to take a break (not that i've done any work in the past 3 hours) and people watch a little bit. I don't know if i've told you guys this, but i love to people watch, i don't know why, but it has always been something i've loved to do. So i'm sitting in my car and smoking a cigarrette (when i get cancer i'm sueing doral), and I come to realize that there are more fat people than skinny people. When did this happen? (i guess i managed to tie in the mcdonalds rant huh?) On the beach people seem to have no shame, which i can admire, but i'm noticing that there are tons of people who, if they had been fully clothed, i would not have noticed that they're obese. Pot-bellies, saggy asses, just all around nasty. And this is all i'm seeing, so now i've realized that not only are we getting dumber, but we're getting fatter. Young, old, middle-aged...all of them out of shape, fucking fat.

So I finally decide that I need to get up and do something (maybe all the fat people motivated me to get some exercise, or maybe i realized that the city would probably get pissed if they found out they were paying my company 30k a month for me to sit in my car and watch fat people) Now if you've never been to tybee island, don't, seriously...If georgia is god's asshole, then tybee is his anal wart. This city came to be before the people who resided there were sober enough to know how to manage a city. I can't get into all the details (My job would definately be on the line if i talked too much about it), but let me just say don't drink thier water, don't go into the fucking ocean, that place is fucked up. It is also expensive, crazy fucking expensive. Now i'm walking around checking meters, and i'm starting to notice that every person here has some kind of catchy (retarded) name for their home, and all sorts of signs with beach slogans: Jimmy buffet for president, etc...and all of these places are fucking trashed. Million dollar homes with trash piled up in the yard, grass that hasn't been cut in a year or more, junked out cars and old lumber everywhere. (and i'm expected to find buried water meters in all of this fucking mess) I've started call it the city of a thousand hobos (have no idea if i spelled that right) So we have these fucking people who are paying our the ass to live this carefree lifestyle with a bunch of fat tourists, and about this time my head exploded...I no longer understand our species. I give up. I think tybee has killed any hope i had left for humanity so fuck you guys....

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